Ing. Lukáš Vetešník Ph.D.
Position full-time researcher
Direction fish ecology
Workplace Research facility Brno
+420 543 422 533

Research interests
- ichthyology, ecology, reproduction of fish,
- reproduction and hematology of di- and triploid specimens of silver prussian carp,
- morphology of Cypriniformes hybrids.
- 1996-2001: undergraduate study – Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, specialization fishery. Thesis: Production effect of feeding mixtures with distillers grains additive for fry carp.
- 2001–2005: Ph.D. study – Department of Fisheries and Hydrobiology MZLU and Department of Ichthyology, Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, Brno. Thesis: Biological characteristic of silver prussian carp (Carassius auratus) under the aspect of different ploidy level between individuals.
- 2001–present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, Brno – researcher.
Blažek R, Ondračková M, Vošlajerová Bímová B, Vetešník L, Petrášová I, Reichard M (2012).
Fish diversity in the Niokolo Koba National Park, middle Gambia River basin, Senegal. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23: 263-2721210 .
Halačka K, Vítek T, Vetešník L, Spurný P (2012).
Epidermis structure and blood parameter differences between sculpin Cottus gobio and Siberian sculpin Cottus poecilopus from the Morava watershed. Folia zoologica, 61: 9-16.
Prchalová M, Horký P, Slavík O, Vetešník L, Halačka K (2011).
Fish occurrence in the fishpass on the lowland section of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, with respect to water temperature, water flow and fish size. Folia zoologica, 60: 104-114.
Halačka K, Vetešník L, Mendel J, Papoušek I (2010).
Can spawning marks on females of the spined loach (Cobitis sp., Teleostei) be caused by scratches from males during mating?. Folia zoologica, 59: 329-331.
Bartoňová E, Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Švátora M, Vetešník L (2008).
Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 60-70.
Bartoňová E, Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Švátora M, Vetešník L (2008).
Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 60-70.
Flajšhans M, Rodina M, Halačka K, Vetešník L, Gela D, Lusková V, Lusk S (2008).
Charakteristika spermatu polyploidního karase stříbřitého, Carassius gibelio. Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 44: 78-81.
Mendel J, Lusk S, Koščo J, Vetešník L, Halačka K, Papoušek I (2008).
Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 90-99.
Mendel J, Lusk S, Koščo J, Vetešník L, Halačka K, Papoušek I (2008).
Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 90-99.
Halačka K, Vetešník L, Lusk S, Mendel J, Papoušek I (2007).
The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system in the Zingel zingel (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Morava River (Czech Republic). Caryologia, 60: 222-225.
Prchalová M, Vetešník L, Slavík O (2006).
Migrations of juvenile and subadult fish through a fishpass during late summer and fall. Folia zoologica, 55: 162-166.
Vetešník L, Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (2006).
Erythrocyte profile of diploid and triploid silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Acta veterinaria Brno, 75: 203-207.
Mendel J, Lusková V, Halačka K, Lusk S, Vetešník L (2005).
Genetic diversity of Gobio gobio populations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, based on RAPD markers. Folia zoologica, 54: 13-24.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V, Vetešník L (2004).
Re-occurrence of Zingel streber (Teleostei: Pisces) in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 53: 417-422.
Lusková V, Halačka K, Vetešník L, Lusk S (2004).
Changes of ploidy and sexuality status of "Carassius auratus" populations in the drainage area of the River Dyje (Czech Republic). Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 165-171.
Vetešník L, Lusk S, Halačka K, Spurný P (2004).
Morphometric characteristics and growth of Carassius auratus in the lower part of the River Dyje (Czech Republic). Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 215-221.