Mgr. Vojtěch Brlík Ph.D.
Position post-doc
Direction bird migration, bird communities
Workplace Research facility Brno
+420 723551844

Twitter: @VojtechBrlik
Bachelor thesis
A meta-analysis of the effects of geolocator application on passerine birds, (supervisor P. Procházka).
Master’s thesis
A range-wide assessment of carry-over effects within the full annual cycle of the Great Reed Warbler with a focus on sex and population differences, (supervisor P. Procházka).
PhD thesis
Ecological consequences of seasonal bird migration (supervisor P. Procházka).
Current students
- Jelany Duali: Assessing seasonality as a driver of nonbreeding movements (MSc project, University of Guelph).
- Lukrécia Zemanová: Interspecific competition of birds on non-breeding grounds (BSc thesis, Charles University).
- Matylda Winterová: Protandry – hypotheses of differential timing of male and female migration in the light of year-round tracking of migratory birds (BSc thesis, Charles University).
- Tadeáš Serafin: Habitat specialization of migratory birds on wintering grounds: a meta-analysis of key predictors (BSc thesis, Charles University).
Former students
- Klára Stýblová: Isotope niche dynamics of short- and long-distance migratory birds (BSc thesis, Czech University of Life Sciences).
- Barbora Kadlecová: Movements within non-breeding grounds in terrestrial migratory birds (BSc thesis, Charles University).
- Emmanuel Okposio Osibeme: Wintering grounds of Eurasian Reed Warblers breeding in Central Asia, the Middle East and northern Europe (MSc thesis, A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute).
- Boris Prudík: Delineation of the migratory divide in the Eurasian reed warbler in Europe (MSc thesis, Czech University of Life Sciences).