Mgr. Barbora Rolečková Ph.D.
Position post-doc
Direction conservation genetics, biobanking
Workplace Research facility Studenec
+420 560 590 612

Research Interests
- conservation genetics,
- non-invasive genetic sampling methods,
- metabarcoding,
- biobanking.
Education and Employment
- Undergraduate study (2000-2006) – Masaryk University, Brno, Faculty of Science, Systematic Biology and Ecology and Teacher Training in Biology. Thesis: Assessment of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) population size and structure in Třeboňsko PLA & BR (Czech Republic) using non-invasive genetic sampling.
- PhD study (2006-2014)– Masaryk University, Brno, Faculty of Science, Zoology and Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR. Thesis: Genetic structure of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) populations in Central Europe.
- Biology teacher (2017-2018) – Private Secondary School of Agriculture Inc., Pozďatín.
- Post-doc (2014-present) – Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR.
- Curator of IVB collections (2017-present).
Project participations
- Assessment of population size and population structure of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in different habitats by a non-invasive genetic method (2003-2005).
- Genetic structure of chamois populations in Central Europe (2006-2009).
- Filling gaps in the knowledge of biology and ecology of the Eurasian otter: ecological modelling (2008-2010).
- Genetic consequences of population decline in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2008-2010).
- Conservation genetics: research, applications and biobanking (2014-2016).
- BIOM: Biodiversity Education Centre Mohelský Mill (2015-2016).
- Support of functioning and popularization of biological collections of Czech Academy of Sciences (2015-2019).
- African and Central European Vertebrates: Discoverability of Genomic Samples Located at the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Republic (2017-2018).
- Genetic analysis of hazel grouse (Bonasa Bonasia) and black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) faeces (2018-2019).
- Genetic analysis of black grouse samples (2018-2021).
- Ex situ rescue of genetic diversity (2020).
Martínková N, Zemanová B, Kranz A, Giménez MD, Hájková P (2012).
Chamois introductions to Central Europe and New Zealand. Folia zoologica, 61: 239-245.
Zemanová B, Hájková P, Bryja J, Zima Jr. J, Hájková A, Zima J (2011).
Development of multiplex microsatellite sets for noninvasive population genetic study of the endangered Tatra chamois. Folia zoologica, 60: 70-80.
Hájková P, Zemanová B, Hájek B, Roche K, Kučerová M, Bryja J, Zima J (2004).
Stanovenie početnosti a štruktúry populácie vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) neinvazívnou genetickou metódou - správa o prebiehajúcom výskumnom projekte. Bulletin Vydra, 12001.
Hájková P, Hájek B, Zemanová B, Roche K, Toman A, Bryja J (2004).
Genetická variabilita a populačno-genetická štruktúra subpopulácií vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) v výskumnom projekte Českej a Slovenskej republike. Bulletin Vydra, 12001.