prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek CSc.
Position full-time researcher
Direction hybrid zones, population genetics
Workplace Research facility Studenec
+420 560 590 602

Research interests
- hybrid zones,
- population genetics,
- speciation.
Finished projects
- 1977-1982: undergraduate study – Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science. Diploma Thesis: Karyological studies in Tagetes erecta L.
- 1988-1992: Ph.D. study – Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology Brno. Ph.D. thesis: A revision of the genus Bombina (Anura, Discoglossidae) in Czechoslovakia.
- 1994-1995: post-doctoral study – The University of Edinburgh, Inst. Cell, Animal and Population Biology.
- 1984-1987: Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, CAS, Brno – research assistant,
- 1988-1993: Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology, CAS, Brno – postgraduate student,
- 1994-1995: Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Genetics, The University of Edinburgh, U.K. – academic researcher,
- 1996-1998: Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, AS CR, Liběchov – research worker,
- 1998-1999: Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Prague – research worker,
- 1998-2010: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR, Brno, Department of Population Biology Studenec – Head and research worker,
- 2010-present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR, Brno, Department of population Biology Studenec – research worker.
International experience
- 1994-1995: Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Genetics, The University of Edinburgh, U.K. – academic researcher.
Current Ph.D. students
- Jana Albrechtová: Barriers against gene flow between the house mouse subspecies, (supervisor J.Piálek).
- Iva Martincová: Chromosom Y a speciation, (supervisor J.Piálek).
Former students
- Petra Dufková: Sex chromosomes in a house mouse hybrid zone.
- Ľudovít Ďureje: The effect of aggressive behaviour on the dynamics of a house mouse hybrid zone.
- Peter Mikulíček: Hybridization and genetic differentation on the crested newts (Triturus cristatus superspecies) – analysis of nuclear markers.
- Barbora Vošlajerová: Behavioural and genetic study of premating isolation in the house mouse hybrid zone.
- M.Vyskočilová: Hybrid male sterility in house mouse.
Ďureje Ľ, Macholán M, Baird SJE, Piálek J (2012).
The mouse hybrid zone in Central Europe: from morphology to molecules. Folia zoologica, 61: 308-318.
Mikulíček P, Horák A, Zavadil V, Kautman J, Piálek J (2012).
Hybridization between three crested newt species (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: comparison of nuclear markers and mitochondrial DNA. Folia zoologica, 61: 202-218.
Macholán M, Munclinger P, Šugerková M, Dufková P, Bímová B, Božíková E, Zima J, Piálek J (2007).
Genetic analysis of autosomal and X-linked markers across a mouse hybrid zone. Evolution, 61: 746-771.
Mikulíček P, Kautman J, Zavadil V, Piálek J (2004).
Natural hybridization and limited introgression between the crested newts Triturus cristatus and T. dobrogicus (Caudata Salamandridae) in Slovakia. Biologia, 59: 211-218.
Šugerková M, Munclinger P, Božíková E, Piálek J, Macholán M (2002).
Genetic variation in house mice (Mus, Muridae, Rodentia) from the Czech and Slovak Republics. Folia zoologica, 51: 81-92.
Spitzenberger F, Piálek J, Haring E (2001).
Systematics of the genus Plecotus (Mammalia, Vespertilionidae) in Austria based on morphometric and molecular investigations. Folia zoologica, 50: 161-172.
Hauffe HC, Piálek J, Searle JB (2000).
The house mouse chromosomal hybrid zone in Valtellina (SO): a summary of past and present research. Hystrix, eItalian Journal of Mammalogy.
Piálek J, Zavadil V, Valíčková R (2000).
Morphological evidence for the presence of Triturus carnifex in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 49: 33-40.
Zavadil V, Piálek J (2000).
Identifikační znaky samic čolků rodu Triturus podrodu Paleotriton, druhové skupiny vulgaris na území České republiky. Časopis Slezského zemského muzea., iSérie A: Vědy přírodní49: 263-273.
Zima J, Macholán M, Piálek J, Lukáčová L, Suchomelová E (1999).
Chromosomal banding pattern in the Cyprus spiny mouse, Acomys nesiotes. Folia zoologica, 48: 149-152.