Ing. Karel Halačka CSc.
Position grant funded researcher
Direction ichtyology
Workplace Research facility Brno
+420 543 422 532

Research intersts
- ecology, reproduction of fish, histochemistry and karyology,
- study of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) polyploid complex and its dynamics on the territory of the Czech Republic,
- reproduction of fishes, histology of their gonads and integumen,
- conservation of endangered fish species.
Running Projects
Finished projects
1979-1983: undergraduate study – Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, specialization fishery. Thesis: Influence of aflatoxins contaminated food on fry carp.
- 1985-1989: Ph.D. stay – Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Department of Ichthyology, thesis: Histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of fish epidermis.
- 1989–present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR – reserach scientist.
Halačka K, Vítek T, Vetešník L, Spurný P (2012).
Epidermis structure and blood parameter differences between sculpin Cottus gobio and Siberian sculpin Cottus poecilopus from the Morava watershed. Folia zoologica, 61: 9-16.
Sivka U, Halačka K, Sušnik Bajec S (2012).
Morphological differences in the skin of marble trout Salmo marmoratus and of brown trout Salmo trutta. Folia Histochemica Et Cytobiologica, 50: 255-262.
Prchalová M, Horký P, Slavík O, Vetešník L, Halačka K (2011).
Fish occurrence in the fishpass on the lowland section of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, with respect to water temperature, water flow and fish size. Folia zoologica, 60: 104-114.
Halačka K, Vetešník L, Mendel J, Papoušek I (2010).
Can spawning marks on females of the spined loach (Cobitis sp., Teleostei) be caused by scratches from males during mating?. Folia zoologica, 59: 329-331.
Bartoňová E, Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Švátora M, Vetešník L (2008).
Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 60-70.
Bartoňová E, Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Švátora M, Vetešník L (2008).
Genetic diversity and taxonomy of Sabanejewia balcanica (Osteichthyes: Cobitidae) in the waters of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 60-70.
Flajšhans M, Rodina M, Halačka K, Vetešník L, Gela D, Lusková V, Lusk S (2008).
Charakteristika spermatu polyploidního karase stříbřitého, Carassius gibelio. Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 44: 78-81.
Mendel J, Lusk S, Koščo J, Vetešník L, Halačka K, Papoušek I (2008).
Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 90-99.
Mendel J, Lusk S, Koščo J, Vetešník L, Halačka K, Papoušek I (2008).
Genetic diversity of Misgurnus fossilis populations from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 57: 90-99.
Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Povž M, Šumer S (2008).
Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas. Folia zoologica, 57: 83-89.
Papoušek I, Lusková V, Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Povž M, Šumer S (2008).
Genetic diversity of Cobitis spp. (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) from different drainage areas. Folia zoologica, 57: 83-89.
Halačka K, Vetešník L, Lusk S, Mendel J, Papoušek I (2007).
The X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system in the Zingel zingel (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Morava River (Czech Republic). Caryologia, 60: 222-225.
Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Pekárik L, Košuthová L (2007).
Výskyt chránených a invázných druhov rýb v povodí Ipl’a. Natura Carpatica, 48: 141-152.
Vetešník L, Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (2006).
Erythrocyte profile of diploid and triploid silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Acta veterinaria Brno, 75: 203-207.
Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V, Košuth P (2005).
Distribution of species of the genus Gobio in the Tisza River drainage area, Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 54: 65-72.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V, Horák V (2005).
Distribution of Gobio species in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 54: 56-64.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K, Šlechtová V, Šlechta V (2005).
Characteristics of the remnant Vimba vimba population in the upper part of the Dyje River. Folia zoologica, 54: 389-404.
Mendel J, Lusková V, Halačka K, Lusk S, Vetešník L (2005).
Genetic diversity of Gobio gobio populations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, based on RAPD markers. Folia zoologica, 54: 13-24.
Šlechtová V, Lusková V, Šlechta V, Halačka K, Lusk S, Koščo J (2005).
Intraspecific allozyme diversity of Gobio gobio in Czech and Slovak rivers. Folia zoologica, 54: 25-32.
Horák V, Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (2004).
Artificial wetlands - yes or no?. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 119-127.
Lojkásek B, Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (2004).
Fish communities in the Poodří Protected Landscape Area (the Odra River basin). Czech Journal of Animal Science, 49: 121-130.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V, Vetešník L (2004).
Re-occurrence of Zingel streber (Teleostei: Pisces) in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 53: 417-422.
Lusk S, Hartvich P, Halačka K, Lusková V, Holub M (2004).
Impact of extreme floods on fishes in rivers and their floodplains. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 173-181.
Lusk S, Koščo J, Lusková V, Halačka K, Košuth P (2004).
Alien fish species in the floodplains of the Dyje and the Bodrog rivers. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 199-205.
Lusková V, Halačka K, Vetešník L, Lusk S (2004).
Changes of ploidy and sexuality status of "Carassius auratus" populations in the drainage area of the River Dyje (Czech Republic). Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 165-171.
Lusková V, Koščo J, Halačka K, Stráňai I, Lusk S, Flajšhans M (2004).
Status of populations of the genus Cobitis in Slovakia. Biologia, 59: 621-626.
Vetešník L, Lusk S, Halačka K, Spurný P (2004).
Morphometric characteristics and growth of Carassius auratus in the lower part of the River Dyje (Czech Republic). Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4: 215-221.
Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (2003).
Carassius "gibelio" in the fish communities of the Czech Republic. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 3: 133-138.
Koščo J, Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (2003).
The expansion and occurrence of the Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in eastern Slovakia. Folia zoologica, 52: 329-336.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K, Smutný M (2003).
Anglers' catches as an indicator of fish population status. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 3: 113-119.
Lusk S, Koščo J, Halačka K, Lusková V, Flajšhans M (2003).
Identification of Cobitis from the Slovakian part of the Tisza basin. Folia Biologica-Krakow, 51: 61-65.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K, Horák V (2002).
Osteichthyes. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, 106: 29-49.
Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (2000).
Fecundity of Cobitis elongatoides in the Nová Říše Reservoir. Folia zoologica, 49: 141-150.
Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (2000).
Contribution to the occurrence of parasites in Cobitis elonatoides and Cobitis elongatoides x C. sp. Folia zoologica, 49: 215-218.
Lojkásek B, Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (2000).
Fish communities in the drainage area of the Osoblaha river and effect of the 1997 flood. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 45: 229-236.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K (2000).
On the occurrence of populations of the genera Cobitis and Sabanejewia (Pisces, Cobitidae) in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 49: 97-106.
Šlechtová V, Lusková V, Šlechta V, Lusk S, Halačka K, Bohlen J (2000).
Genetic differentiation of two diploid-polyploid complexes of spined loach, genus Cobitis (Cobitidae), in the Czech Republic, involving C. taenia, C. elongatoides and C. spp.: allozyme interpopulation and interspecific differences. Folia zoologica, 49: 67-78.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K (1999).
Vývoj a stav ichtyofauny ve vodách Národního parku Podyjí. Thayensia, 2: 96-1071210 .
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K (1999).
Development and status of the ichthyofauna in the waters of the Podyjí National Park. Thayensia, 2: 108-1191210 .
Halačka K, Lusk S, Lusková V (1998).
Fish communities in artificial pools in the floodplain along the lower reaches of the River Dyje. Folia zoologica, 47: 125-134.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K, Šlechta V, Šlechtová V (1998).
Trends and production of a fish communities of the barbel zone in a stream of the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 47: 67-72.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K (1998).
The status of tench (Tinca tinca (L.)) in aquatic habitats of the floodplain along the lower reaches of the River Dyje (Czech Republic). Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 45: 407-414.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (1998).
The effect of an extreme flood on the fish communities in the upper reaches of the Tichá Orlice River (The Labe drainage area). Czech Journal of Animal Science, 43: 531-536.
Halačka K, Lusková V, Lusk S (1997).
Manifestations of senescence in the reproduction of nase, Chondrostoma nasus. Folia zoologica, 46: 169-173.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Jurajda P, Lusková V, Peňáz M (1997).
Diversity of fish communities in the waters of the Podyjí National Park. Živočišná výroba, 42: 269-275.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (1997).
Vliv malých vodních elektráren na vodní toky a jejich rybí osídlení. Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 33: 111-119.
Baruš V, Halačka K, Prokeš M (1996).
Presence and distribution of the nematode Anguillicola crassus in the European eel in the Morava River drainage basin, Czech Republic. Živočišná výroba, 41: 219-224.
Halačka K (1996).
Structure and histochemistry of the epidermis of Barbel (Barbus barbus). Folia zoologica, 45: 97-101.
Lusk S, Lusková V, Halačka K (1996).
Distribution of species of the family Percidae in the waters of the Czech republic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica, 40: 139-145.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V, Pražák O (1996).
Fish assemblages of the "Soutok" area in Southern Moravia, Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica, 40: 147-155.
Lusková V, Halačka K (1996).
Some hematological indices in barbel, Barbus barbus. Folia zoologica, 45: 103-108.
Halačka K (1995).
Embryonic development of brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario). Folia zoologica, 44: 175-184.
Halačka K, Lusk S (1995).
Mortality in eggs of nase, Chondrostoma nasus, during incubation. Folia zoologica, 44: 51-56.
Halačka K (1995).
Structure and histochemistry of the epidermis of nase (Chondrostoma nasus). Folia zoologica, 44: 99-104.
Halačka K, Lusková V (1995).
Interrelations and bioindicative application of epidermal, hematological and biochemical indices in grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica, 39: 159-167.
Lusk S, Halačka K (1995).
The first finding of the Tubenose Goby, Proterorhinus marmoratus, in the Czech Republic. Folia zoologica, 44: 90-92.
Lusk S, Halačka K (1995).
Anglers' catches as an indicator of population size of the nase, Chondrostoma nasus. Folia zoologica, 44: 185-192.
Lusk S, Halačka K (1995).
The river bottom and fish populations in streams. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, 91: 95-100.
Lusk S, Halačka K, Lusková V (1995).
Influence of small hydroelectric power stations on fish communities in streams. Živočišná výroba, 40: 363-367.
Lusková V, Halačka K, Lusk S (1995).
Dynamics of the haemogram in the nase, Chondrostoma nasus. Folia zoologica, 44: 69-74.
Lusková V, Lusk S, Halačka K (1995).
Yearly dynamics of enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations in blood plasma of Chondrostoma nasus. Folia zoologica, 44: 75-82.
Halačka K, Jurajda P (1994).
Charakteristika elektrolovných zařízení pro odlov ryb. Živočišná výroba, 39: 733-741.