Ing. Miroslav Čapek CSc.

- birds as monitors of environmental changes,
- ecology and singing activity of birds,
- bird parasites.
- 1985: undergraduate study (Ing./MSc) – Forestry School of Agricultural College (currently Mendel University), Brno,
- 1988: graduate course – Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology, Brno,
- 1992: Ph.D. study – Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, zoology.
- 1987–1993: Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno – graduate assistant (1987), research fellowship (1987–1988), research assistant (1988–1993),
- 1993–1995: Institute of Landscape Ecology AS CR Brno – research assistant (1993–1995), research scientist (1995–1998),
- 1998–present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR, v. v. i. – research scientist, scientific secretary (2002–2010).
- 1994–2004: Rarities Committee of the Czech Ornithological Society,
- South Moravian Branch of the Czech Ornithological Society,
- Standing Committee on Czech Bird Names, Czech Ornithological Society (chair),
- Scientific Advisory Board under the Czech Committee for the Convention on Biological Diversity (consultative body of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic),
- Editorial board of the journal Tichodroma,
- Legal Entity Appointed Representative of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology CAS, Seventh Research Framework Programme EU (2009-2010),
- 2005-2014: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Council No. 6 Ecological-Biological Sciences.
National/International Collaboration
- Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University, Brno, Czech Republic,
- Institute of Parasitology, Biology Center AS CR v. v. i., České Budějovice, Czech Republic,
- Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic,
- Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic,
- University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic,
- Comenius Museum, Moravian Ornithological Station, Přerov, Czech Republic,
- Třeboň Basin Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve Administration, Třeboň, Czech Republic,
- Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia,
- Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia,
- University of Trnava, Slovakia,
- Institute of Evolution, Centre for Ecological Research, Budapest, Hungary,
- Centre for Eco-Epidemiology, National Laboratory for Health Security, Budapest, Hungary,
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia,
- Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia,
- Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, USA,
- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA,
- University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA,
- City University of New York, NY, USA,
- Long Island University, Brookville, NY, USA,
- George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA,
- St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD, USA,
- Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande, Brazil,
- Instituto das Águas da Serra da Bodoquena, Bonito, Brazil,
- Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
- Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
- Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico,
- Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam,
- Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru,
- Autoridad Municipal de Los Pantanos de Villa, Lima, Peru,
- Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Field Experience and Studies
- various European countries: 1983–present
- Middle East: 1995, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2017, 2023
- North America: 2000, 2012, 2017
- Australia: 2002, 2014
- Horn of Africa: 2022
- Southern Africa: 2005, 2021
- Western Africa: 2007
- Central America: 2004, 2009, 2010
- South America: 2006, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2023
- South East Asia: 2002, 2010
- Central Asia: 2019
- Indian Subcontinent: 2011, 2015
- Macaronesia: 2013
- Arctic Ocean: 2022
- North Atlantic Ocean: 2022
- Western Pacific Ocean: 2016
- Southwestern Pacific Ocean: 2018
- West Indies: 2016
Seventeen research projects and grants since 1993.
University Teaching and Supervising
- 1997–present: lectures on Ornithology, Masaryk University, Brno,
- supervisor of MSc students.
Publications, lectures and media contribution
- author/co-author/editor of 14 monographs/books, 80 articles in refereed academic journals, 11 popular articles, 40 book reviews, another 41 publications of different kinds, 39 research reports, 54 reviews of scientific articles, books, grant proposals and theses,
- since 1990 I have given 443 specialized lectures, popular lectures and conference talks,
- eight TV and radio interviews.
Selected Monographs, Books, Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries
ČAPEK, M., 1994: Birds in Mountain Ecosystems under Pressure of Air Pollution. Acta Sc. Nat. Brno 28 (4): 1-46.
ČAPEK, M., Jr., 1994: Birds of Prey, Cuckoos, Gallinaceous Birds, Herons, Ibises, Storks and Allies, Nightjars, Pigeons and Doves, Waders. In: Poleno, Z., Morávek, F. & Sýkora, P. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Forestry. Vol. I: A-O. Ministerstvo zemědělství, Praha: pp. 30, 64, 143, 282, 440, 465, 527 (in Czech).
ČAPEK, M., Jr., 1995: Birds, Granivorous Birds, Insectivorous Birds, Owls, Passerines, Swans, Geese and Ducks, Woodpeckers. In: Poleno, Z., Morávek, F. & Sýkora, P. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Forestry. Vol II.: P-Ž. Ministerstvo zemědělství, Praha: pp. 28, 178-179, 329, 418, 560 (in Czech).
DANKO, Š., ČAPEK, M, Jr., 2002: Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola). In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A. & Krištín, A (eds.): Birds Distribution in Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava, pp. 497-498 (in Slovak with a summary in English).
TRNKA, A., ČAPEK, M., Jr., 2002: Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon). In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A. & Krištín, A (eds.): Birds Distribution in Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava, pp 495-497 (in Slovak with a summary in English).
TRNKA, A., ČAPEK, M., Jr. & KLOUBEC, B., 2003: Birds of the National Nature Reserve Parížske močiare Marsh. Veda, Bratislava. 163 pp. (in Slovak with a summary in English)
HUDEC, K., ČAPEK, M., Jr., HANÁK, F., KLIMEŠ, J. & PAVÍZA, R., 2003: World Bird Species Checklist: Scientific and Czech Names. Muzeum Komenského, Přerov. 462 pp. (in Czech with a summary in English).
KOVALIK, P., PAČENOVSKÝ, S., ČAPEK, M., TOPERCER, J., 2010: Slovak Names for the Birds of the World. SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, Bratislava, 398 pp. (in Slovak with a summary in English).
ČAPEK, M., KLOUBEC, B., FOLK, Č., ŠŤASTNÝ, K., PIKULA, J., HAVLÍN, J., 2011: Species accounts (sections on habitat, breeding and food) of 18 passerine species: Corvus corax, representatives of the genera Loxia (3 species) and Emberiza (12 species), Calcarius lapponicus, and Plectrophenax nivalis. In: Šťastný, K., Hudec K. (eds.) Fauna of the Czech Republic, Birds 3/II. 2nd. ed. Academia, Praha: 883-888, 1036-1037, 1044-1047, 1051-1052, 1078-1080, 1085-1089,1092, 1095-1097, 1102-1105, 1108-1109, 1111,1113-1114, 1117, 1120, 1122-1123, 1130-1134, 1137-1138, 1142-1143 (in Czech with a summary in German).
KLOUBEC, B., ČAPEK, M., 2011: Seasonal and diel patterns of calling activity in 67 passerine species (introductory chapter Singing activity, text on Field Identification – section on seasonal and diel rhythms of calling activity): representatives of the genera Lullula (1 species), Alauda (1), Motacilla (1), Anthus (2), Troglodytes (1), Prunella (1) Turdus (4), Luscinia (2), Erithacus (1), Phoenicurus (2), Saxicola (2), Muscicapa (1), Ficedula (2), Regulus (2), Locustella (3), Acrocephalus (5), Hippolais (1), Phylloscopus (3), Sylvia (5), Panurus (1), Poecile (2), Periparus (1), Lophophanes (1), Parus (1), Cyanistes (1), Sitta (1), Certhia (2), Remiz (1), Oriolus (1), Garrulus (1), Nucifraga (1), Sturnus (1), Passer (2), Fringilla (1), Serinus (1), Carduelis (4), Loxia (1), Coccothraustes (1) and Emberiza (2 species). In: Šťastný, K., Hudec K. (eds.) Fauna of the Czech Republic, Birds 3/I a 3/II. 2nd. ed. Academia, Praha: 12-13, 48, 56-57, 126, 155-156, 164-165, 206-207, 226-227, 238, 246-247, 280-281, 291, 317-318, 330, 342-343, 352-353, 362, 373, 380-381, 402, 420, 428-429, 438, 444-445, 458-459, 465-466, 471-472, 481-482, 492-493, 502, 512, 520-521, 537, 546-547, 555-556, 571,594-595, 605-606, 614-615, 622-623, 631, 655-656, 677, 684, 691, 699, 706, 716-717, 728-729, 744-745, 751-752, 758-759, 769-770, 814, 831, 895-896, 907-908, 919, 935-936, 953-954, 964, 972-973, 982, 993-994, 1039-1040, 1064-1065, 1083-1084, 1126-1127 (in Czech with a summary in German).
ČAPEK, M., 2015: Systematics of Birds, Ornithology and Birding, Taxonomy and Nomenclature, parts of species accounts of representatives of the genus Anser (3 species), Tadorna ferruginea, Anas penelope, Aythya marila, Mergellus albellus, Mergus serrator, genus Gavia (2 species), Pandion haliaetus, Buteo lagopus, genus Pluvialis (2 species), Charadrius hiaticula, Lymnocryptes minimus, Numenius phaeopus, genera Tringa (3 species) and Calidris (4 species), Philomachus pugnax, Hydrocoloeus minutus, genus Larus (4 species), Hydroprogne caspia, genus Falco (2 species), Bombycilla garrulus, Anthus spinoletta, and Fringilla montifringilla. In: Kloubec, B., Hora, J., Šťastný, K. (eds.) Birds of South Bohemia. Jihočeský kraj, České Budějovice: 10, 30-31, 79-80, 250, 510-542, 544-545 (in Czech).
ŠŤASTNÝ, K., ČAPEK, M., 2015: Flight and Bird Migration. In: Kloubec, B., Hora, J., Šťastný, K. (eds.) Birds of South Bohemia. Jihočeský kraj, České Budějovice: 22-29 (in Czech).
KLOUBEC, B., ČAPEK, M., 2015: Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias leucopterus, Why and When Do the Birds Sing, Songs and Calls of Individual Species, Texts Accompanying the Recordings (CD), and Literature. In: Kloubec, B., Hora, J., Šťastný, K. (eds.) Birds of South Bohemia. Jihočeský kraj, České Budějovice: 555-556, 588-610, 612-617, 619-630 (in Czech).
PECL, K., ČAPEK, M., 2015: Birding Equipment Recommendations, Learning to Identify Birds, Taking Notes. In: Kloubec, B., Hora, J., Šťastný, K. (eds.) Birds of South Bohemia. Jihočeský kraj, České Budějovice: 574-578 (in Czech).
KLOUBEC, B., ČAPEK, M., 2017: Breeding Bird Communities in Phragmites-dominated Wetlands of the Medzibodrožie Region. In: Danko, Š., Balla, M., Repel, M.: Birds of the Medzibodrožie Region, Eastern Slovakia. Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť/BirdLife Slovensko, Bratislava: 423-430 (in Czech with a summary in English).
MIRONOV, S. V., LITERÁK, I., SYCHRA, O., ČAPEK, M., 2017: Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica. Monograph. Zootaxa 4297 (1): 001–105.