Mgr. Ondřej Kauzál
Position PhD student
Direction ecological and evolutionary endocrinology
Workplace Research facility Studenec
+420 560 590 607

Research topic:
- effect of avian life-histories on steroid hormones concentrations,
- to help get rid off the “temperate zone bias” in avian ecology.
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Bachelor in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology (2012 – 2015), thesis topic: Female choice based on coloration and song performance in passerines with sexual dichromatism.
- Master’s in Ecology (Terrestrial Ecology; 2015 – 2017), thesis topic: Signaling function of plumage coloration in Yellowhammer males.
- Ph.D. in Ecology (since 2017), thesis topic: Steroid hormone concentrations, feather growth and life history strategies of passerine birds.