Analysis of population status and conservation genetics of the European wildcat as an important flagship species for biodiversity conservation (2024–2026)

Číslo projektu SS07010109
I. číslo 100030
Období 1. 4. 2024 — 31. 12. 2026

The aim is to obtain and update reliable data on the distribution, type of occurrence and ekology of the critically endangered European wildcat (Felis silvestris), mainly using non-invasive genetic monitoring in the southwestern part of the CR. Specifically: 1. To extend standard species-specific monitoring using hair- and camera-traps with subsequent DNA analysis of the collected material in areas with confirmed occurrence of the wildcat (Šumava NP and PLA, Český les, Slavkovský les and Křivoklátsko PLAs, Doupovské hory, Povltaví-Dobříšsko). 2. To evaluate the threats for the wildcat population with emphasis on the analysis of the presence of hybrids with the domestic cat (Felis catus) 3. To analyse the wildcat habitat preference and spatial activity/dispersal using telemetry monitoring.