Genetic diversity of the critically endangered steppe polecat in the Czech Republic (2024–2026)

Číslo projektu SS07010351
I. číslo 100060
Období 1. 4. 2024 — 31. 12. 2026

Aim of the project is setting up a methodology of genetic identification of the steppe polecat with the use of conservation and landscape genetics approaches and its differentiation from the European polecat and the feral ferret. Partial aims are: 1) creation of a methodology of genetic differentiation of these three taxa based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, 2) validation of recent and historical records of the steppe polecat in our territory with the use of recent tissue samples from cadavers and museum voucher specimens from the area of Central and Southeastern Europe, 3) analysis of genetic diversity of the Czech population of the steppe polecat and potential degree of hybridization with the European polecat and the feral ferret.