
16. 3. 2021
You can see the video here.
15. 3. 2021
During their seasonal migration, birds typically travel between breeding and non-breeding grounds along migratory routes grouped into major flyways, such as the Indo-European flyway…
9. 3. 2021
Avian brood parasites pose a serious threat to hosts, substantially reducing their fitness, which selects for the evolution of host defences. A classic example…
22. 12. 2020
An analysis of the songs of most of the world’s passerine birds reveals that the frequency at which birds sing mostly depends on body…
14. 8. 2020
The evolution of a new species is closely related to their ecology and behaviour, with choice of habitat (an area suitable for a living)…
16. 7. 2020
A new species of mammarenavirus, a mammalian virus from the arenavirus family, was discovered by a scientist from the Institute of Vertebrate Biology of…
25. 7. 2018
Stolen wilderness je nová osvětová kampaň je zaměřena na informování veřejnosti o nelegálním obchodu s ohroženými druhy.
28. 11. 2017
31. 8. 2017
Níže naleznete pozvánku na přednášku "In the front-line of gorilla conservation" konající se 4.9.2017 v přednáškové místnosti Ústavu biologie obratlovců AV ČR (Květná 8,…
25. 8. 2017
See below programme of Hybrid Zone Workshop which will be held at Mohelský mill on 4-7th September 2017.
8. 2. 2017
Trade-off between ornament expression and sperm resistance to oxidative challenge.
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