Running projects
Grant agency of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Ivo Rudolf
Investigator: Václav Gvoždík
Investigator: Markéta Ondračková
Co-investigator: Dagmar Čížková
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
International projects
Co-investigator: Jarmila Krojerová (roz. Prokešová)
Co-investigator: Petr Procházka
Ministry of Agriculture
Investigator: Jan Mendel
Co-investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Technology agency of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Jan Mendel
Investigator: Jarmila Krojerová (roz. Prokešová)
Investigator: Karel Halačka
Investigator: Peter Vallo
Investigator: Jarmila Krojerová (roz. Prokešová)
Finished projects
Grant agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Alena Fornůsková
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Co-investigator: Josef Bryja
Co-investigator: Miroslav Čapek
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Petra Hájková
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Co-investigator: Karel Halačka
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Ivo Rudolf
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Natália Martínková
Co-investigator: Petr Koubek
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Miroslav Čapek
Grant agency of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Co-investigator: Barbora Červená
Investigator: Milan Vrtílek
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Oldřich Tomášek
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Michal Šulc
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Markéta Ondračková
Co-investigator: Ondřej Mikula
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Co-investigator: Radim Blažek
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Co-investigator: Martin Reichard
Co-investigator: Dagmar Čížková
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq
Investigator: Kreisinger Jakub
Investigator: Matej Polačik
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Václav Gvoždík
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Co-investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Investigator: Stuart J.E. Baird
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Co-investigator: Natália Martínková
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Co-investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Co-investigator: Karel Halačka
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Co-investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Václav Gvoždík
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Stuart J.E. Baird
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq
Investigator: Natália Martínková
Co-investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Markéta Ondračková
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Matej Polačik
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Petr Koubek
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Peter Vallo
Co-investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Jan Mendel
Investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Mgr. Eva Jánová, Ph.D.
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Ing. Jana Svobodová, Ph.D.
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Červený, CSc.
Co-investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Markéta Ondračková
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Individual projects
Investigator: Martin Šálek
Investigator: Jan Zukal
Investigator: Ivo Rudolf
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Petr Koubek
Investigator: Natália Martínková
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Co-investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
International projects
Investigator: Jan Zukal
Co-investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Jan Zukal
Investigator: Barbora Červená
Investigator: Ivo Rudolf
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Martin Šálek
Investigator: Jarmila Krojerová (roz. Prokešová)
Investigator: Petra Hájková
Investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Jan Mendel
Co-investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Co-investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Co-investigator: Zdeněk Hubálek
Investigator: Natália Martínková
Ministry of Agriculture
Investigator: Karel Halačka
Investigator: Karel Halačka
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Investigator: Miloslav Homolka
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Peter Vallo
Investigator: Markéta Ondračková
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Anna Bryjová
Co-investigator: Miroslav Čapek
Investigator: RNDr. Jiří Halouzka, Ph.D.
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Klára Petrželková
Co-investigator: Pavel Jurajda
Ministry of Environment
Co-investigator: Martin Šálek
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Petr Koubek
Investigator: Martin Šálek
Investigator: Petra Hájková
Investigator: doc. ing. Stanislav Lusk, CSc.
Investigator: Karel Halačka
Ministry of Health
Investigator: Ivo Rudolf