Organisms adapt to shifting conditions. Historical and recent fluctuations in environmental and biotic conditions shape current adaptations and provide baseline for the ability to adapt to current anthropogenic modifications.
Research in the Division of Evolutionary Ecology examines how ecological factors affects evolutionary change, and how evolutionary patterns are linked to ecological processes. Specifically, we study how reproductive biology and life histories evolve within and among species, how they respond to environmental change, and how organismal form coevolves with the function. The typical research topics include:
- evolution of life histories and ageing;
- sexual selection, evolution of mating systems and reproductive behaviour;
- brood parasitism in avian and fish study systems;
- coevolution of predator-prey and host-parasite interactions;
- migration and dispersal biology;
- thermal physiology and individual energetics;
- functional approaches to morphological adaptations.
Research teams
Running projects
Grant agency of the Czech Republic
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
International projects
Co-investigator: Petr Procházka
Finished projects
Grant agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Alena Fornuskova
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Co-investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Grant agency of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Milan Vrtílek
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Oldřich Tomášek
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Michal Šulc
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Co-investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Matej Polačik
Co-investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Co-investigator: Natália Martínková
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Matej Polačik
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Co-investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Ing. Jana Svobodová, Ph.D.
Investigator: Jaroslav Piálek
Investigator: Lumír Gvoždík
Investigator: Martin Reichard
Investigator: Kevin Roche
Investigator: Marcel Honza
Individual projects
Investigator: Jan Zukal
Investigator: Petr Procházka
Co-investigator: Martin Reichard
International projects
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Investigator: Peter Vallo
Investigator: Josef Bryja
Investigator: Tomáš Albrecht
Ministry of Environment
Investigator: Petra Hájková