Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq Ph.D.
Pozice vědecký pracovník kmenový
Zaměření molekulární epidemiologie
Pracoviště Pracoviště Studenec
+420 560 590 613

Výzkumné směry
- host-parasit interaction,
- parasite genomics in the European house mouse hybrid zone,
- emerging infectious diseases: arenaviruses, hantaviruses, Bartonella,
- immunogenetics, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), immunoecology.
Ukončené projekty
- 1999: magisterské studium – University of Montpellier II France, Biology of Organisms and Populations, option Parasitology. Práce: Phylogeny of Trichostrongylina Nematodes.
- 2000-2003: doktorské studium – University of Perpignan, France. Ph.D. práce: Insularity and Parasitism: impacts in immune response investment and MHC genetic diversity in the woodmouse.
- 2003: kurz Animal experimentation – University of René Descartes, Paris V, France. Level I of animal experimentation (French equivalence of Home office licence for Animal experimentation).
- 2004-2005: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ramon Science Center, Israel. Projekt: Investment in immune defences and flea parasite pressure in desert rodents, (spoluřešitelé B.Krasnov, B.Pinshow) – Post-Doc.
- 2006: Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations (CBGP), France. Projekt: Development of phylogeographic markers, (spoluřešitel J.Michaux) – krátkodobý kontrakt.
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of population biology Studenec, Czech Republic. Projekt: MHC diversity in the hybrid zone of Mus musculus, (spoluřešitelé J.Bryja and J.Piálek) – zahraniční stáž Post-Doc.
- 2006-2007: Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria. Projetc: Immune genes and endoparasites in brown hares, (řešitelé F.Suchentrunk and H.Schaschl) – Post-Doc.
- 2007-2014: University of Antwerp, Belgium, Department of Biology. Projetc: Evolutionary ecology of arenavirus-rodent interactions, (řešitel H.Leirs) – Post-Doc.
- 2011-present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Research facility Studenec – researcher.
Současní studenti
- Jana Těšíková: Diversity and evolutionary history of selected rodent-borne viruses (Masaryk University).
- Jan Petružela: Secondary contacts of host and parasite, barriers and introgression (Masaryk University – co-supervision with S.J.E Baird).
- Laura Cuypers: Mastomys natalensis hybrid zones as natural laboratories to investigate the limits of arenavirus spread (Antwerp University – co-supervision with H. Leirs and S.J.E. Baird).
Bývalí studenti
Ribas A, Makundi RH, Goüy de Bellocq J (2012).
Paraconcinnum leirsi n.sp. (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) from rodents in Tanzania and its phylogenetic position within the dicrocoeliids. African Zoology, 47: 326-331.